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How are chemical equipment classified
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Regarding chemical equipment itself, it is actually a general term. Therefore, there are actually many classifications for chemical equipment, and there are also various classification methods for it. Our common approach may be to classify according to the structural raw materials, which can be divided into carbon steel equipment, stainless steel equipment, and non-metallic equipment.


Regarding chemical equipment, it can also be classified according to the accepted pressure. Generally, we can classify it into high-pressure equipment, medium pressure equipment, and vacuum equipment. In the following words, we will not actually discuss these two classification methods. Let's first talk about which varieties they can be classified according to their functions.


Firstly, if we want to know that chemical equipment is classified according to its function, the top one is the chemical container category, which includes tanks, tanks, kettles, etc; Next comes the category of separation towers, including packed towers, float valve towers, bubble cap towers, and turntable towers; Furthermore, there are reactors, including projectors such as tubular reactors, fluidized bed reactors, and serpentine heat exchangers.


The next step is the heating furnace in chemical equipment, which includes electric heating furnace, tubular cracking furnace, as well as waste heat boiler, etc; When it comes to crystallization equipment, the most important thing is that it includes solution crystallizers, as well as melting crystallizers, etc; Other specialized chemical equipment.


Regarding chemical equipment, we can see from its classification that its application is very extensive, and its effectiveness is mainly based on chemical reactions.


Speaking of this, it is reminded that when producing chemical equipment, we should pay attention to the process planning and strict accounting and planning. Regarding the production of chemical equipment, we must select highly qualified manufacturers for production to prevent risks caused by poor product quality during later use. Furthermore, our operations and usage time should also be normal and standardized.

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